What have you done to assist Aleppo refugees?

As a Muslim immigrant from Iran of almost 40 years living in this beautiful country, I believe when we face our maker in the next life, we will be asked: What did you do for your brothers and sisters who were suffering in other parts of the world? Were you...

Iran Nuclear Agreement shows U.S. Leadership

America has always been a beacon of hope, a shining city on the hill. We stand for justice, peace, opportunity and respect for human dignity. Growing up in Iran, I can attest to the affection everyday Iranians have toward America. The hearts and minds of teachers, family and friends, bus...

Fresno needs realistic plan for revitalization

I love Fresno. This community has been instrumental in the success of my family and my company, and for that, I feel a deep sense of responsibility for its revival. Fresno has rich cultural diversity, a booming agriculture industry, excellent school districts, affordable homes, and one-of-a-kind access to the Sierra...