The Responsible Neighborhood Market Act: Our Letter to City Council

An ordinance named the Responsible Neighborhood Market Act is being proposed at City Hall. While this ordinance is intended to reduce the number of liquor stores in Fresno, it actually imposes barriers to bringing quality markets to our neighborhoods, without addressing the current problem. The biggest violators of city code...

There’s a Better Way to Make Fresno Sparkle. Vote ‘No’ on P. Originally published on GV Wire, Oct 23, 2018. Here’s something I believe people on both sides of the parks tax debate can agree on: We’ve got miles to go to make Fresno a vibrant, safe, and prosperous city for all. For decades, our elected leaders have struggled to make...

Iran Nuclear Agreement shows U.S. Leadership

America has always been a beacon of hope, a shining city on the hill. We stand for justice, peace, opportunity and respect for human dignity. Growing up in Iran, I can attest to the affection everyday Iranians have toward America. The hearts and minds of teachers, family and friends, bus...